Anxiety Counseling

Concord, NH Therapist


You are more than your anxiety leads you to believe you are.

Life is stressful. Period!

Getting frustrated so easily, thoughts keeping you up at night; things that make you feel out of control of your own life. It makes sense you feel alone, like you don’t hate yourself but definitely don’t love or trust yourself. The way you act out because of it then strains your relationships and you wind up just wishing you were happy, at peace, calm.

I wish I could shut my brain off!

You know that thing that has all kinds of great messages like, “do better”, “you’re not good enough”, “let’s watch that on instant replay for the next 5 hours”? It’s like the world’s worst pep talk and it plays 24/7. Yes, it’s your brain.

Our brains are wired, by our survival mechanism, to find the negative. So, annoyingly, it’s doing exactly what it’s supposed to do. The problem is it’s running a bit too wild like an untrained puppy. And aren’t dogs so much cuter when they’re not chewing on our shoes and peeing in our house? Let’s train that puppy!

Anxiety counseling can help you with:

  • Feeling more confident, competent, and capable

  • Identifying what your brand of anxiety looks like

  • Learning short-term skills & long-term lifestyle changes

  • Trusting & caring about yourself by meeting your needs

Free yourself from the prison your mind creates.

I’m here to support you in learning how.