Substance Abuse Counseling and Co-Occurring Therapy in Concord, NH
Counseling services for the greater Concord area and via video throughout New Hampshire
Substance use is not as straightforward as we may think…
“I’m not sure who I am without substances”
“I don’t think I have an “addiction” but there are some things I know I need to deal with”
“I don’t know what I’m feeling but I know I’m not comfortable with myself”
“I’m sober but still struggle with mental health and emotional challenges”
“I’m not sure what’s next”
“I’m scared of relapse”
There are so many possible faces to substance use and what comes next. Contact me with your questions to discuss recovery solutions.
“Recovery” is a deceptively simple word. You hear it and you think “sobriety” but once you actually get sober you realize it’s so much more! There are your relationships to deal with, your job, emotions, managing your day and commitments, daily stress, sleep, dealing with triggers, physical health and the list seems to go on and on. Within all those categories are the subcategories of boundaries, assertive communication, coping skills, time management, etc. All of this can lead to feeling a loss of trust, respect, ambition with yourself or from others. There is shame and guilt. If all that still weren’t enough, on top of it all, how do you even know if you have the dreaded “SUBSTANCE ABUSE DISORDER”! Dun dun dun!
Well, let’s start by calling it what it is: a behavior you no longer wish to engage in.
An unhealthy habit.
I’m not here to diagnose you, unless you find that helpful, so you get to call it what makes sense to you. This is your journey, your life, and no one gets to judge you for it, least of all yourself.
Often when people hear “substance abuse” or “addiction” they think of someone in the middle of active use and usually think of extreme cases such as heroin, meth, or late stage alcoholism. These challenges (past or current) can look vastly different person to person.
The following are some examples of how substance abuse may appear in your life:
It can include substances such as marijuana or nicotine.
It can be a short time in your life such as binge drinking from younger years.
It can be someone who misuses and wants to prevent it from turning into something bigger.
It can be someone in recovery.
It can be a family member of a loved one with a substance abuse issue.
And more.
Whichever one resonates for you, you just know you feel stuck, unsatisfied, and without purpose or direction.
You don’t have to live a life where you just exist. You can feel capable, fulfilled, and productive. Recovery works.
I believe you have the answers you need within you already, you just need help figuring out how to get there in a way that works. Your sessions become a microcosm for your life: you own your sessions and therefore become more comfortable directing your own life. You decide what to talk about when we are together and therefore learn how to name your needs. You’re in charge of what we talk about for the day and therefore learn how to get in touch with your internal dialogue. I’m there to help you build a lifestyle, not just learn how to cope. What you discover in sessions is meant to be taken into the real world and experimented with. We do this through curiosity, sitting with discomfort, and a sense of playfulness.
What will substance abuse counseling do for me?
So much!
Identify relapse triggers for substances, mental health, or other negative patterns
Learn short and long-term coping skills
Identify core beliefs that cause you to react impulsively
Improve communication and boundaries in relationships
Substance Use Areas of Expertise:
LADC Evaluations
Recovery & Relapse Prevention
Abuse & Misuse
Co-Occurring Mental Health such as anxiety, ADHD, and trauma
Chronic Relapse